"I am head of Corporate Development at GELITA AG. Before that, I held various positions at other companies.
One of my personal highlights at GELITA is the collegial environment. I started working at GELITA during the COVID-19 lockdown, which wasn't easy, but my colleagues put in a tremendous amount of hard work, and that's a great example of what GELITA is all about. There is just an underlying spirit of appreciation here.
What further simplified things for me was the professional onboarding process. It helped me hugely and, due to its networking character, also brought me very close to my colleagues during the COVID-19 period.
GELITA is in constant flux and is a highly dynamic company. As a result, every employee has the opportunity to help shape GELITA for the future and is even actively encouraged to do so. Anyone with great ideas definitely has a chance to put them into practice at GELITA. The company offers an ideal environment for turning creative ideas into reality."