GELITA offers a comprehensive portfolio of gelatins that provides a broad release profile in soft capsules. Beside a variety of versatile and tailor-made standard gelatins, there is the RXL® Portfolio for improved capsule shelf-life and stability. These special gelatins provide reliable release and reduced cross-linking properties, even under extreme storage conditions. This GELITA capsule gelatin portfolio is complemented by RAPISOL® and DELASOL®. While RAPISOL® offers a faster release of the fill, DELASOL® allows for the manufacturing of true enteric softgels in only one production step.

Graphic of GELITAs Controlled Release Portfolio


The capsule that protects itself: the patented RXL® technology prevents crosslinking in soft gelatin capsules and thus increases shelf-life. Gelatin capsules are among the most popular dosage forms for drugs, OTC products and food supplements. However, certain types of reactive fillings may cause the gelatin in the capsule to react and crosslink. This is especially true under high temperature and humidity storage conditions. This leads to a lower solubility of the capsules, resulting in longer dissolution times in the gastrointestinal tract.  

To prevent crosslinking, GELITA has introduced a new line of pharmaceutical gelatin that significantly reduces the inter-molecular crosslinking of large gelatin molecules. The RXL® portfolio is available from multiple manufacturing sites all around the world and can be sourced from a variety of raw materials.

The different RXL® gelatin types provide excellent performance for all viscosity levels. After 6 respectively 12 months storage at 40 °C/75 % r.h. the fill release of soft capsules, comprising RXL® Prime and RXL® Advanced gelatins, is improved compared to fresh standard gelatin capsules. The RXL® Advanced gelatins show better performance than the corresponding RXL® Prime products and all RXL® gelatins have much better fill release than the standard gelatin capsules, produced and stored under the same conditions.


The unique Release Profile Portfolio from GELITA enables soft capsule manufacturers to define the timing of the fill release as well as where in the body the capsule should open. Do you want to know more?


Gelatine Capsules



Is a novel solution for enteric soft-capsules and is the first commercially available gelatin product of its kind – allowing for the one-step production of enteric capsules that open in the intestine (instead of the stomach, as with traditional gelatin capsules). Most enteric delivery systems are produced by applying an acid-insoluble coating to fresh soft capsules. This intensive two-step process adds time and money to the cost of each enteric capsule. With DELASOL®, capsules producers can manufacture enteric capsules using existing equipment in a one-step process – avoiding additional time and costs – while creating brilliantly clear capsules. DELASOL® allows manufacturers to produce enteric capsules that adhere to USP (United States Pharmacopeia) dissolution parameters.

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