03, 2022
3 min

Revealed: Why yesterday’s leftovers taste so much better the next day

Who hasn’t licked their lips in anticipation at the thought of tucking into the leftovers from last night’s curry, stew or even spaghetti bolognese? After all, we know that such dishes always seem to taste so much better the next day. But why exactly is that? Grab a bowl of yesterday’s biryani, and allow us to enlighten you.

04, 2021
4 min

How injured athlete Lucie jump-started her recovery process

It all happened in a matter of seconds… Lucie took a run-up – just as she had hundreds of times before – but this time she landed the jump badly, and ruptured the anterior cruciate ligament in her left knee. Any athlete will tell you that this is a nightmare injury, particularly as full rehabilitation can take up to nine months, which is nothing short of disastrous for a professional sportsperson and their training regime.

21, 2021
3 min

Acting responsibly to protect our people and planet

As one of the world’s leading manufacturers of collagen proteins and a globally active company, we believe that it’s our responsibility to review and continuously improve the impact of our actions on the environment, our employees, customers and suppliers. Our goal, therefore, is to work tirelessly to reduce our energy and water consumption, cut emissions and avoid waste. So what did we achieve in 2020 on our way to becoming a more sustainable company? Here are some key facts from our latest sustainability report:

08, 2021
4 min

Gelatin Know-How: Gelling Power

Gelatin is one of the most versatile food ingredients available. Yet despite its popularity, we’ve noticed that the industry’s understanding of the fundamental properties of gelatin has begun to erode during the last few years, and that its true potential remains unexploited. That’s why we want to refresh your knowledge, and remind you of the unrivalled technological properties of this amazing product. So let’s kick-off with gelling power...

24, 2021
3 min

Sports bars with an innovative BCP® boost

The global protein bar market is predicted to reach USD 7.03bn by 2027, with a CAGR of 5.6 % from 2019[1]. This is driven by active consumers wanting to take better care of themselves – but also a growing preference for convenient, yet healthy, on-the-go nutrition that can be easily squeezed into a hectic lifestyle. Such nutrient-rich bars also promise an energy boost as well as a feeling of satiety – both key selling points.


[1] https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/industry-reports/protein-bar-market-100805